Thursday, September 24, 2009

The many faces of Lebanon:

The sign that only took 70 shots from the car to get. (This is Jordan)
Talal's New Hotel! The room that is an upgrade from the bombshelter.Our private bathroom. Please note the shower- toilet proximity.

Our mosque and a typical downtown street.

Bullet holes in the statues.

A view of Beirut by foot.

Other sides of Beirut - underconstruction, over the top and remenants of the war.

Victoria's home which offered us refuge from Talal's.

My roommate's family's pool, and the view of the city and the whole airport.

The ruins at Byblos.
Turtles...please note the tongue and neck vein on the dominant turtle. (My only picturie of Jeita Grotto since cameras were not allowed)
Byblos at sunset.

Soliders hanging around the street with their AK47s and tanks (obviously impossible to take a picture of them, but just so you see the reality of things)

A mosque on the way to Baalbeck

Ruins at Baalbeck- beautiful.

The symbology behind us- lions head for strength, the cord underneathe for friendship, the labyrinth symbolizing immortality (later becoming the swastika) the egg and the arrow for life and death and the interweaving for slavery.

A little boy playing with toy guns...everywhere...

Skybar (second longest in the world)

Streets of Beirut.

View of the mountains from la Corniche.

La Corniche.

Dani and co who made us amazing breakfasts every morning.

Contrasts. The salt water pool where we spent our last day.

The beach club/pool.

Ode to our mosque.